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Become a Social Entrepreneurship Teacher | Encourage the new generation of young social-entrepreneurs!

EnSoEd Consortium

About This Course

This free online course is part of EnSoed Online Environment.

This course allows secondary teachers and students to develop a thorough understanding of several aspects of Social Entrepreneurship, its impact and how it can be integrated into the educational experience. Through this course, the learner will access innovative and practical training material and resources, as well as a concrete and up-to-date set of tools. In this way, the learner will develop entrepreneurial competences, as well as an entrepreneurial mindset.

What you will learn

  • What Social Entrepreneurship and EntreComp are
  • How to get started, identify opportunities and develop your vision into a solid idea
  • How you can activate resources that you have at your disposal
  • What impact social entrepreneurship may have

Added Benefits from completing this course

Upon finishing succesfully the course you will receive:
  1. A Certificate of Completion!
  2. The "Social Entrepreneurship Mentor" badge!
  3. Access to issue badges yourself to your students via the EnSoed Rewarding System!


Secondary teachers teaching secondary school students on social entrepreneurship.

The organizations behind this course:

colombo-team The I.T.T. "C. Colombo " is a school of consolidated traditions and the oldest Institute of central and southern Italy specialized in tourism. The vision of our Institute lies in the long-term goal of preserving and enhancing this precious heritage of tradition and modernity that characterize it, developing the drive to be a place of innovation and experimentation, of personal and professional growth, fully respecting and promoting diversity as resources. The course of studies of the Technical Institute of Tourism provides specific skills in the sector of tourism companies and general skills in the field of national and international macro-economic phenomena, civil and fiscal legislation, business systems.
DIMITRA Education & Consulting is one of the largest VET Organizations in Greece, with Training Centers in five (5) cities. Since 1989, DIMITRA holds extensive experience in producing innovative & participative tools and methodologies for HR development in the constantly changing world of work.
Effebi Association is a non profit organization set up in 1976 which has been a reference point for people involved in the management and development of HR and organizational models mainly for the banking & financial sector.
The focus of Inqubator is on helping (social) entrepreneurs develop their personal growth and business potential, and support start-up student companies to firmly establish their business. To this end, Inqubator has helped more than 100 entrepreneurs take their first step in the world of business since it was founded in 2010.
inq-our-team SciFY is an IT SME and a not-for-profit organization that develops cutting-edge information technology systems and offers them freely. We use our expertise in artificial intelligence and other technologies, and a strong network of collaborators to bridge scientific innovation with society’s needs.
Dideas is a social Company that works consultancy and training for public bodies and private companies, specialized in social entrepreneurship, skills, social responsibility and gender equality. We are based in Valencia, Spain, since 10 years ago, developing innovative solutions for our clients.
‘Emphasys Centre’ operates in the last 22 years as an Education, ICT Training and Research Centre. It is accredited by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth as an Educational Centre specialising in the field of ICT.
Founded in 1860, National College "Gheorghe Lazar" is one of the oldest high schools in Romania. Ever since its beginnings, the institution's firm purpose has been to provide high quality education. To date, it is one of the top five high schools in Romania, tutoring a little over 1200 students. Its successful mission to shape harmonious, accomplished personalities in students is illustrated by the latter's impressive achievements - both throughout the high school years and later on, as faculty students.
  1. Length

    3 weeks
  2. Effort

    4 hours per week
  3. Institution

  4. Subject

    How to teach social entrepreneurship